A Step-by-Step Guide to Taking the City Bus in Taiwan:Payment Methods, Tips, and Apps

Taiwan City Bus


Way of taking a bus 🚌


In Taiwan, the public transportation system is well-developed, providing convenience for people to travel to various places. Buses are a common mode of transportation, but compared to other modes of transportation, the complex bus schedules in urban areas can be confusing. This article will share tips on how to easily take the city buses, allowing you to explore Taiwan more conveniently, as not all places have MRT access.


Way of taking a bus

(1) Payment Methods

When taking the bus, you can pay using an electronic card or cash. Using an electronic card not only allows you to enjoy transfer discounts, but also saves time.

Common payment toolsEasyCard(悠遊卡), iPass(一卡通). These can be used on all public transportation systems in Taiwan, including MRT, TRA, HSR, city buses, ferries, taxis, and can also be used for shopping at stores with EasyCard or iPass logos on the card readers.

Other payment methods:iPASS MONEY, iCash Pay, credit card mobile payments (Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay), LINE Pay Money travel code...

(※ Please note that not all buses in all areas accept these payment methods)

Using EasyCard or iPass is the simplest payment method and ensures that you can access transportation services in most areas without any issues.


How to acquire an EasyCard or iPASS in Taiwan?

These cards can be purchased at convenience stores such as 7-11, FamilyMart, Hi-Life, and OK Mart, as well as at the customer service centers in Taipei MRT, Taoyuan MRT, and Kaohsiung MRT stations.

The regular price for each card is NT$100. Prior to usage, it is necessary to top up the card. Additional value can be manually added at the aforementioned locations or at the IC Card Vending / Top Up machines in MRT stations.

For those visiting Taipei, apart from the standard EasyCard, there is also the option of purchasing the EasyCard “Taipei Fun Pass” or "Taipei Pass".

The purchasing process for the iPASS is quite similar to that of EasyCard.


Official websites for EasyCard:EasyCard

Official website for iPass:iPass


(2) Inquiry about route information, timetables, real-time updates, and fares

Bus route information website or mobile appYou can check the timetables and fares of various bus routes on the bus route information websites or mobile apps provided by the local governments in Taiwan.

※ It is recommended to use Google Maps first to check the route and schedule, then use the website or bus app to view bus updates and arrival times.

Bus stopWhen taking the bus, you can check the bus routes, schedules, and arrival times at the bus stop. Almost all bus stop have electronic signs displaying the routes and schedules.

※ Make sure you don't catch the bus in the wrong direction!!!


Recommended Bus Apps❤️

Bus+ (Bus, Train, Metro, Bike):AndroidiOS

BusTracker Taiwan 台灣等公車:AndroidiOS


Bus Route Information Website


Although the information is only available in Mandarin, it is quite comprehensive. One can easily access details regarding railway, high-speed rail, metro, and bus services without downloading any additional app. It is incredibly convenient.

Taipei eBus 大台北公車

Taichung Bus Information System 台中公車即時動態資訊

Tainan City Bus 大台南公車

Kaohsiung City Real-Time Bus Arrival Information System 高雄市公車動態資訊

Taiwan Tourist Shuttle service 台灣好行


(3) Bus Riding Etiquette

After confirming the route, you only need to wait at the bus stop and raise your hand when the bus you want to take approaches, letting the driver know you want to get on. Usually, passengers will keep their hands raised until they see the bus signal and start pulling over. If there are many passengers waiting to get on at the bus stop, once one person raises their hand, others will not need to do so.

Let arriving passengers alight first.

Remember to swipe your card when getting on and off the bus.(※This is very important!!!).
If you need to pay with cash, it is best to confirm the fare in advance and prepare exact change, as no change will be given. Moreover, paying with cash requires paying a higher fare.

The seats near the bus doors are usually designated as "priority seats". When passengers in need (such as infants, seniors, pregnant women, etc.) get on, it is polite to offer them the seat, in order to maintain order and courtesy on the bus.

There are usually LED displays on the bus showing the next stop in both Chinese and English. Additionally, there will also be announcements in multiple languages (usually Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka, and English) indicating upcoming and current stops. When you hear the name of the stop where you need to alight, press the “stop button(下車鈴) .
(※Make sure to press the button, or the bus will not stop. If the stop request light is already on, it means someone else has pressed the button, so you don't need to press it again).

Remember to swipe your card again when alighting, as the card reader will display your card balance.

(4) Unexpected Situation - Ticket Card Malfunction

Insufficient Card Balance

If the card machine makes an abnormal sound when boarding or alighting, it may be due to insufficient balance.

If it happens when boarding, alternative payment methods are needed to take the ride.

If it happens when alighting, the card will first cover a certain amount, which will be deducted upon the next top-up.

If the deducted amount exceeds the covered amount, cash supplement will be needed.

Checking the card balance before taking the bus can help avoid such awkward situations.

Forgot to swipe card last time

Will be charged an extra fare next time.

Swiped card too close to the previous passenger

Too many cards overlapping


If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask the driver.



Taiwan's public transportation system provides convenient ways to travel around. By following the steps of flagging down the bus, pressing the stop button in advance, and swiping your card when boarding and alighting. These simple steps will help make your journey in Taiwan smoother and more enjoyable!


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